16:00 - Spanish Online Day

Spanish Online Day is celebrated every Wednesday, from 16.00 to 20.00 UTC (from 15.00 to 19.00 UTC during Summer Time). Fly to Spain and enjoy one of the best ATC services of our network. Many ATC and pilots are waiting for you!

For more information click here.



Every Wednesday 18:00 Zulu, members of the Algerian Division are invited to communicate only using English phraseology. everybody is welcome to fly in our skies to discover the talent of the most active division in Africa.

DZ Division wish you good flight !

All charts are available at: Algeria Charts

Come and fly in Algeria !

For more information click here.

20:30 - KuMi Group Flight to OIII


We are a group of pilots from Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands and Austria who meet every Wednesday since 2002 (!) for a small competition, called KuMi. The main goal of this competition is to touch down at exactly 2100z. The winner will get to choose the next destination.
In this case our next destination will be in your division: Teheran, OIII in Iran.
We are a group of approximately 7 to 15 pilots (very IVAO experienced) so it gets always very busy around the aerodrome because everybody is aiming and planing their flights to arrive at 2100 UTC.
IVAO Iran will provide full ATC Service in the Mehrabad TMA and Tehran FIR.

Airport: OIII

Date: 06.11.2013

Time: 2030-2130 UTC

For more information click here.