09:00 - [19 NOV | 09z - 18z] [HQ, IR, XG. SA, FR, NL, XU] Continental Crossing Middle East to Europe

As a network, it is vital for us to unite each region with one another to bring members of the network closer to each other. This year, with help of 6 divisions from the Middle East and Europe, we have planned a marvellous event in which we try to unite two of our very beautiful regions on the network together.

The idea of the event is for pilots to commence their flights from their planned departure routes to their arrival airport that is previously planned with the support of full ATC along their routes.

On 19th November 2023, IVAO Events Department, along with Middle East and European Regions, invite you to join our combined Continental Crossing. Cover the continents by providing ATC service or enjoy it while flying.

For more information click here.